Connection Dentistry Raleigh Blog

5 New Dental Trends Emerging in the Next Decade

October 2, 2020

Digital dentistry

In the last few decades, technology has come a long way. Just think about all the changes there have been since you were growing up. This includes in the field of dentistry. Each year, techniques, technology, and instruments become more advanced and allow for better, more reliable care. In the next decade, there are a lot of new advancements we can expect in the dental field. Your dentist shares just some of the new dental trends that you can expect.


How Does Sugar Affect Your Teeth?

September 23, 2020


Do you like to add a little bit of sugar to sweeten up your tea or coffee in the morning? What about the crisp and delicious carbonated beverage you have with your lunch? These days, it’s difficult to avoid sugar. After all, it seems to be everywhere! But how often do you think about what it’s doing to your smile? Read on to learn more from your dentist about how sugar impacts oral health, what you should watch out for in the products you buy, and what sweetener you can use instead.


A Day in the Life of Your Hygienist

September 6, 2020

Dental hygienist

One big misconception that many people seem to think is that hygienists only clean teeth, however, there are many different things that they are responsible for on a daily basis including both patient care and after-care treatment. There’s a lot more to your dental hygienist’s job than just polishing your teeth. In fact, dental hygienists cover all sorts of different areas and always work closely with your dentist to treat patients. Here are just some of the many responsibilities that a hygienist has on any given day at the dental practice.


3 of The Latest Dental Implant Innovations

August 22, 2020

Woman looking at her dental implant and smiling

According to the experts, the first dental implant dates back to 2000 B.C.! At the time, materials like copper pegs, seashells, and even animal teeth were used to replace missing teeth. Considering their lack of anesthetics and primitive tools, the procedure was likely painful with a low success rate. Fortunately, patients today can opt for a much safer and more natural-looking alternative. In fact, improvements in dentistry and dental implant technology have developed exponentially in recent years, and 2020 is no exception! Read on for three of the latest innovations!


Questions You Should Be Asking Your Dentist

August 4, 2020

Patient asking dentist questions

Most of the time when you go to your regular cleaning and checkup, it’s your dentist that’s asking all the questions and you that’s giving the answers. Yet, you only see the dentist every six months, so shouldn’t you be making the most out of your visit? There is a huge educational aspect to a regular dental appointment that many people don’t take advantage of. Continue reading to see what different questions you should be asking your dentist during your next visit.
